Design your dream home

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Design Home Costa Rica
Costa Rica

Now, let this sink in for a moment

How to be eager and anxious at the same time, while designing your own home!
At Nohara Estates Costa Rica, our mission is to keep you enthralled and reaching the end result will be exhilarating!

Discussing all your options, together with our team of architects and interior designers, we engross ourselves in your innovative ideas with boundless energy!

Here is what our procedures entail: –
You already know that we have professional experienced and dedicated people in our team at your disposal, eager to assist you in creating that home that has been in the back of your mind for some time now, and we pay attention to intricate details, focusing solely on what you want.

Guiding you through construction, designing the images you have conjured, right from the start, we take the time to learn who you are, what makes you get out of bed every morning, and how you want to create each section of your home, including all the nitty gritty details that are ultimately important to you!

We also need you to get to know us, our ethics, our principles, and to see just how diligent we are. We are in the People business, so building a relationship with you is what we are all about!  Once all your requirements are determined, our design team begin creating a tailored proposal for you. Initially this includes sketches and videos that evolve into a layout making your home reality, and seeing what you initially imagined, so much easier to picture it in your mind.

When we see the radiance reflected on your faces, then we know what it finally feels like for you and we develop videos showing every tiny detail of your new home plus estimating the building costs, giving you all the information required to begin constructing your very own piece of paradise!

The process is a gratifying journey, and we are committed to present you with a design that exceeds your imagery, and when you decide we are the perfect partners, we free you up from the design proposal fee!

For some years, Nohara Estates Cost Rica has worked closely with renowned construction and development companies. We are immensely proud to announce that we will go to the ends of the earth to get you what you want, according to your desires. You finalise your own floor plan, designs, wood finishes, fixtures, flooring, style of kitchen, and everything else that your hearts yearn for. Just visualize yourself in that place we helped you create!

As you know, purchasing a home off-plan means buying from sketches and plans. We know how daunting that can be, so at Nohara Estates Costa Rica we give you so much more than that through 3D visuals, construction management and constant communication, among other support systems.

Candid benefits of buying property through us are:
1. Your complete satisfaction.
2. All fixtures, furniture, appliances, and landscapes are suited to your lifestyle
3. High standards of course.
4. Terms, negotiated to your budget.
5. Planning your move, making it comfortable for you.